What We Treat

WCDBT treats:

Anxiety disorders Depression Anger Relationship issues Family conflict
Parenting issues Eating disorders Insomnia Bipolar disorder Borderline Personality Disorder

DBT may be particularly helpful if you have difficulty with at least some of the following:

  • Extreme mood swings and anger
  • Chaotic relationships and fears of abandonment
  • Confused sense of self; sense of emptiness or numbness
  • Suicidal or non-suicidal self injurious behaviors, impulsivity
  • Distorted thinking patterns, paranoia

To help you determine if DBT and you are a good fit, please ask yourself whether you....

  • experience painful emotions that can’t seem to be changed?
  • seem to be more emotionally sensitive and vulnerable than others?
  • have frequent conflict with family members, friends, and romantic partners?
  • often feel disappointed by others?
  • have trouble saying no or being assertive in an effective way?
  • experience confusion about emotions and where they are coming from?
  • regularly feel numb or empty?
  • engage in behaviors that make things worse and cause regret such as using drugs or alcohol, binge eating, binging and purging, or shoplifting?
  • have a history of engaging in suicidal or non-suicidal self-injurious behaviors?

If you have answered yes to several of these questions we suggest you strongly consider DBT treatment.

Westchester Mental Health Counseling | Mental Health Care in Westchester